
木匠的工房 第一季(1987)

状态:木匠的工房 第一季 The Woodwright's Shop Season 1

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《木匠的工房 第一季》剧情简介

木匠的工房 第一季》 (英文片名:mujiangdegongfangdiyiji)这部剧是由RoyUnderhill,导演,RoyUnderhill,等众明星主演,1987-03-11美国上映的真人秀综艺。 105701"Noveltails"TBA   Roy takes a look at the design and benefits of many traditional dovetails used in woodworking, then goes even further to look at some more unusual dovetails.   106702"Longer and Stronger"TBA   When you need a longer board (or rafter), then a traditional scarf joint may be the answer. Roy discusses the history, value and creation of this important joint.   107703"Country Comfort"TBA   Roy shows us the steps to create the perfect outdoor chair — the Adirondack.   108704"Shaker Boxes"TBA   After a look at a number foot-powered woodworking machines, Roy and his guest show how to use a few of the machines to make traditional Shaker oval boxes.   109705"Bookcaseology"TBA   This episode is Roy’s version of waste not, want not. He shows how to build a coffin-shaped bookcase so that the materials involved aren’t wasted, but used during life — and after.   110706"Woodwork, Needlework"TBA   Blending two traditional crafts, Roy builds an adjustable needlework stand of French design.   111707"Whirligigs"TBA   Whirligig expert Andy Lundy stops by the shop to talk about the history, design and construction details of a variety of whirligigs.   112708"Felling and Hauling"TBA   Traditional woodworking starts with the trees. Roy shares the traditional steps necessary to fell a tree and get the wood into the shop.   113709"Bramble Work"TBA   Roy gives us a look at rustic Bramble Work furniture. He then creates a small table in this style, working with twigs fastened in geometric patterns.   114710"Farmwood"TBA   Roy works through the varied historical uses of lumber for use in construction, furniture, heating on your own farm, and for sharing with others. No part of the tree is wasted.   115711"Old South Homestead"TBA   On a trip back to the Underhill homestead, Roy takes us on visit of some of the construction details used in building the 1850s house and outbuildings.   116712"Gameboards"TBA   Roy shows us how to make a couple of classic board games: Fox and Geese, and a checkers (or chess) board.   117713"Woodcut Printing"TBA   We travel to the Book Binders Shop at Colonial Williamsburg to learn the history and reality of woodcutting for use in printing.

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