
La Conversione(2023)

状态:La Conversione
类型:剧情 历史

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《La Conversione》剧情简介

电影《La Conversione》 (英文片名:laconversione1)这部剧是由马可·贝洛基奥,导演,芭芭拉·朗奇,法布里齐奥·吉福尼,菲利波·蒂米,科拉多·因韦尔尼齐,福斯托·鲁索·阿莱西,AlessandroScafati,莱昂纳多·马尔特斯,PaoloPierobon,MarcoGolinucci,MattiaNapoli,SamueleTeneggi,AlessandroFiorucci,EneaSala等众明星主演,2023-05-23意大利上映的剧情历史剧情片。 In 1858, in the Jewish quarter of Bologna, the Pope's soldiers burst into the home of the Mortara family. By order of the cardinal, they have come to take Edgardo, their seven-year-old son. The child had been secretly baptized by his nurse as a baby and the papal law is unquestionable: he must receive a Catholic education. Edgardo's parents, distraught, will do anything to get ... (展开全部) In 1858, in the Jewish quarter of Bologna, the Pope's soldiers burst into the home of the Mortara family. By order of the cardinal, they have come to take Edgardo, their seven-year-old son. The child had been secretly baptized by his nurse as a baby and the papal law is unquestionable: he must receive a Catholic education. Edgardo's parents, distraught, will do anything to get their son back. Supported by public opinion and the international Jewish community, the Mortaras' struggle quickly take a political dimension. But the Church and the Pope will not agree to return the child, to consolidate an increasingly wavering power…

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