





电影《英国最受欢迎的侦探》 (英文片名:yingguozuishouhuanyingdezhentan)这部剧是由导演,谢里丹·史密斯,等众明星主演,2020-08-30英国上映的纪录片。 ITV is inviting viewers to use their little grey cells as we find out who the country has crowned Britain’s Favourite Detective.   Narrated by Sheridan Smith, this one-off TV special will celebrate these legendary characters, counting down the greatest TV sleuths from the last 50 years as voted by the great British public.   From the infamous Sherlock Holmes, to Line of Duty’s AC-12, from Belgium’s stalwart Hercule Poirot, to modern day hero Luther, from the formidable Jane Tennison to unwitting crime buster Miss Marple, these legendary characters have kept us all on the edge of seats as they attempt to catch some of the most devilish of villains.   Britain’s Favourite Detective will take a trip through the crime files of some the country’s best loved sleuths and crown one of them the nations favourite.   But who will take this coveted title? Will US favourite Columbo be crowned the winner, or could the title be in the bag for Oxford’s Inspector Morse. Will the quintessentially British Midsomers Murders make it to the top spot or will the brooding Scandi Noir offering, The Bridge win out.   As well as archive clips from these iconic shows, viewers will also be treated to behind the scenes footage from some of the most popular crime solvers ever, reliving all of the murders, the suspects and the startling revelations, climaxing in the biggest whodunit of them all – who is Britain’s Favourite Detective?   The 25 detectives are (in no particular order):   DCI John Luther - Luther   DCI Jane Tennison, - Prime Suspect   DS Steve Arnott, DI Kate Fleming - Line Of Duty   Saga Noren, - The Bridge   DCI Vera Stanhope - Vera   Jonathan Creek   Jessica Fletcher - Murder She Wrote   DI John Rebus - Rebus   Christine Cagney and Mary Beth Lacey - Cagney & Lacey   Detective Chief Inspector Jim Taggart - Taggart   Thomas Magnum, - Magnum PI   Columbo   Janet Scott and Rachel Bailey - Scott & Bailey   DCI Tom Barnaby & DCI John Barnaby - Midsomer Murders   Sherlock Holmes   Jane Marple - Miss Marple   Cormoran Strike - Strike   Dr Edward ‘Fitz’ Fitzgerald - Cracker   DI Robert Lewis - Lewis   Hercule Poirot   DI Alec Hardy & DS Ellie Miller - Broadchurch   DCI Endeavour Morse - Inspector Morse   DCS Christopher Foyle - Foyle’s War   Inspector George Gently - Inspector George Gently   DI William Edward ‘Jack’ Frost - Inspector Frost, Frost







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