

乌帽子之子 The sons of Eboshi/纪录片/日本/1985
更新时间:2022-06-07 15:47:47


纪录片《乌帽子之子》 这部剧是由大森裕浩,导演,等众明星主演,1985-02-05日本上映的电影。A captivating film about the male initiation ceremony that has been held since the 17th century. The Eboshi-Gi rite of Shizuhara-cho in the northern part of Kyoto is regarded as significant for both its grand scale and long tradition. This film presents the complete ceremony and then the process of becoming a member of the Young Men's Association. ( in English )   Produced by:National Museum of Ethnology   Planned, Filmed, and Produced by:Yasuhiro Omori, Research Department on National Museum of Ethnology   Edited by:Sugiyama   Filmed on:March-June 1979   Filmed at:Shizuhara-cho Sakyo-ku, Kyoto   With the Cooporation of:The Shizuhara-cho "Wakarenchu"   In Cooperation with:NHK Service Center   Production Date:January 1984   In a mountain village north of Kyoto, 700 villagers act out an annual mystic rite - the initiation of its young men into adult responsibility. The film follows the fortunes of four young men who are to undergo the rite of Eboshigi. (BFI)   Four young men take part in traditional coming-of-age Eboshi-Gi rites in Shizuhara, a village in Japan's Kyoto province. The Shinto cermony of Samurai origin marks the young men's passage into adulthood and initiates them into the local youth association. Families prepare for the Eboshi-Gi with extravagent banqueting and the young men practice the recitation of verses and gather symbolic decorations. Once initiated under the eyes of the whole village, the new members of the youth association must help in the preparations for the annual Spring Festival, which include making elaborate rice cakes and collecting money for the decoration of a portable shrine. On May 3rd, a procession carries the shrine in a spirit of blessing and celebration. Made in 1979, the film documents the deep respect for tradition still held in this area of modern Japan.




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