
Vida Comienza, Vida Termina(2021)


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《Vida Comienza, Vida Termina》剧情简介

电影《Vida Comienza, Vida Termina》 Life Begins, Life Ends (英文片名:vidacomienzavidatermina)这部剧是由RafaelPalacioIllingworth,导演,玛丽安娜·安希列里,EleonoreMeier,克里斯蒂安·萨尔格罗,等众明星主演,2021-07-22瑞士 , 阿根廷上映的剧情纪录片。 Life begins, life ends. A title so elliptic that it is reduced to a law of nature, stripping   family misfortune of its tragic nature. Death is a private tragedy. How can you   capture the horror of its irrationality? Rafael Palacio Illingworth is the director of   several comedy dramas including Between Us (2016) and Macho (2009). Here, he   signs a feature film that is at once intimate, honest and generous, based on the   tragedy that shook his own life. By weaving personal material, gathered over time,   into a fictional narrative, he goes beyond a purely autobiographical framework,   constantly playing with its codes.   Rafael Palacio Illingworth forges an alter ego, a doppelgänger and a family   reflection. The images of radiant, everyday happiness are matched by a fragmented   narrative that condenses a descent into hell, revealing pain. Fiction plays a role:   that of preserving these images of this happiness. He thus ensures the memories   remain intact, instilling them with a sense of grace. The dramatization of his play   replaces the muted brutality of real life. Here, the director’s body must withstand.   In the face of illness. Against despair. There, his character’s body, a gaucho from the   plains of Argentina, self-inflicts the henceforth unbearable violence of a world and   consecrates the fictional space as a catharsis.   Intertwining different regimes in three movements, Rafael Palacio Illingworth   courageously exposes himself on several levels. The duplication becomes a   dialogue. He stages his own family to better reveal the contours of drama as a   genre, through a system of dialogue between fiction and the mechanisms of its   production: sources of inspiration, musical score, characters and motifs, peaks and   climaxes… It is not the evidence of a tragedy that is thus revealed, but the vibrant   meeting of art and life. (Claire Lasolle)

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