
Un spécialiste, portrait d'un criminel moderne(1999)

状态:The Specialist: Portrait of a Modern Criminal

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《Un spécialiste, portrait d'un criminel moderne》剧情简介

电影《Un spécialiste, portrait d'un criminel moderne》 (英文片名:unspcialisteportraitd39uncriminelmoderne)这部剧是由EyalSivan,导演,AdolfEichmann,等众明星主演,1999-11-27法国,德国,以色列,上映的纪录片。 Inspired by "Eichmann in Jerusalem, A Report on the Banality of Evil" by Hannah Arendt   AN ENTHRALLING FILM - DISTURBING, AND WITHOUT PRECEDENT.   Lieutenant colonel SS, Adolf Eichmann was responsible for the expulsion of Jews, Slovenians, and Gypsies from the Reich between 1938 and 1941, and later, their deportation from Europe to the death camps. Hiding in Argentina, he was captured by the Israeli secret service in 1960. His trial in Jerusalem took place the following year and was one of the first public events recorded on video in the entire world. Rony Brauman, former president of Medicine Without Frontiers and Filmmaker Eyal Sivan have created their own, unique film of the Eichmann trial stressing the contrast between the monstrosity of the crime and the mediocrity of the man.   SPECIAL FEATURES;   -60 minute interview with authors   Rony Brauman and Eyal Sivan   -Excerpt from the book "In Praise of Disobedience"   -Original Theatrical Trailer   -All texts available in English, German and French   CHAPTERS   1. The trial opens   2. A specialist in compulsory emigration who enjoys his work   3. The "Einsatzgruppen" - extermination squads   4. Film projection of the Nuremburg Trial   5. IVB4 - solving the technical problems of transportation   6. An administrative procedure - the deportation of Jewish children in France   7. The Wannsee Conference   8. The witnesses   9. The subordinate is an idealist   10. Judenrat (the Jewish Council) - accounts from Hungary   11. The conscience of a model employee   12. Four field trips   13. "I've always done my job well"

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