
Pred buku(2023)

状态:Before the Noise

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《Pred buku》剧情简介

电影《Pred buku》 (英文片名:predbuku)这部剧是由NenadMilosevic,导演,BorisIsakovic,JelenaCuruvija,MatejRecer,等众明星主演,2023-12-18塞尔维亚上映的剧情纪录片。 The film deals with the phenomenon of forced displacement through protagonists' personal experiences. From generation to generation, from migration to migration, continuous repetition of the same implied an inevitable, almost a natural course of things. To take the gun or to refuse it, to choose the side or become an expellee, to remember or forget. Shrapnel of a soul, powerful early memories that shaped our beings illuminate unique stories. The same for all of the film protagonists is the struggle with mixed identities, nostalgic daydreaming, war nightmares, missing the personal center, alienated time, and necessity of finding the sense of home and community again. Time is lost but this film will exploit the time and its laws to remind us of transience and temporary, ephemeral human nature. Sediments of the past are engraved into us and through the film they form leitmotifs linked by associations. The image is following the storyline on the associative level and sound often acts divided from the vision of the film. The truth of man as opposed to the myths produced in Media. The film will pull a viewer into the vortex of directors early memories, key reminiscences of the protagonists, and media archive footage used as collective knowledge. The crucial memories that have broken or branched our lines of life are invoked from the present moment. From the unities of time, place, and action, we go into the depth and breadth of time, we open one single memory after another (as though we were tasting Proust's Madeleine cookies) and find the silence inside the time that we've lost. Before the Noise will try to trigger the Silence to speak up.

阳光电影网提供纪录片Pred buku在线观看完整版视频,在线播放地址:https://www.92dy8.com/jilupian/predbuku/,全集高清无删减版手机免费观看,本站收集框架引用等最新播放资源供广大影视爱好者分享及点播,请大家支持正版。

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