
New Scottish Art – Stephen Conroy(1988)

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《New Scottish Art – Stephen Conroy》剧情简介

电影《New Scottish Art – Stephen Conroy》 (英文片名:newscottishartstephenconroy)这部剧是由KeithAlexander,导演,StephenConroy,约翰·伯恩,等众明星主演,1988-02-27英国上映的纪录片。 The Vigorous Imagination was a showcase exhibition in 1987 displaying the work of contemporary Scottish artists and was what put them on the map.   This short film was produced by the BBC in Scotland about the same time as the Ken Currie one and the blurb below is from some time ago. Conroy was at the height of his fame in 1988 and even completed a set of paintings of inventors that were issued as postage stamps in 1990. Since then, almost nothing. Whatever happened to Stephen? Only early Peter Howson was better at that time and yet his almost Steampunk work has disappeared.   Stephen Conroy is a painter and printmaker born in Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, who studied painting at Glasgow School of Art in the mid-1980s.   Conroy won first prize for painting at the RA’s British Institute Fund Awards in 1986 and was also commissioned to exhibit at Dumbarton District Council.   During his career, Conroy has taken part in several group exhibitions including The Vigorous Imagination at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in 1987 and the American touring exhibition New British Paintings in 1988-90. His solo presentations include an exhibitions at Marlborough Fine Art in 1989 and 2000 and a retrospective at Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig.   The artist continues to live and work in Scotland and many of his works are held in public collections.

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