
Loin de vous j'ai grandi(2020)

状态:Far from You I Grew

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《Loin de vous j'ai grandi》剧情简介

电影《Loin de vous j'ai grandi》 (英文片名:loindevousj39aigrandi)这部剧是由MarieDumora,导演,等众明星主演,2020-02-13法国上映的纪录片。 How to avoid miserabilism when you’re filming destinies apparently preconditioned by a limited and inflexible social and economic context? One potential answer could be: by filming them for a long enough period of time and from a short enough distance that the contours, the generalities, and the thick strokes fade away and only the core remains. This core isn’t made up of the wishes, the fantasies, and the representations of self and of the world of only one person, but those of the generations which preceded them as well. Marie Dumora spent over twenty years with and dedicated five films to a Yenish family from Eastern France, first following Sabrina, a young girl who grew up under the eye of the director’s camera, between her family and foster care, before giving birth to a boy herself – Nicolas, whom she also gave up to foster care. The latter is the protagonist of “Far from You I Grew” - a teenager carrying a heavy sociological legacy, which he doesn’t know whether he should reject or embrace. The film’s "direct cinema" style, which bears witness to Dumora’s long experience and her familiarity with the characters she observes, is sometimes contradicted by more apparent auctorial marks, which remind us that we’re not simply watching some people struggling to broaden their horizons, but instead we’re watching a human being watching them – hence a certain form of tenderness, and of delicately entering the intimate space of persons who refuse to be reduced to clichés about social determinism, delinquency, or motherhood. (by Liri Alienor Chapelan)

阳光电影网提供纪录片Loin de vous j'ai grandi在线观看完整版视频,在线播放地址:https://www.92dy8.com/jilupian/loindevousj39aigrandi/,全集高清无删减版手机免费观看,本站收集框架引用等最新播放资源供广大影视爱好者分享及点播,请大家支持正版。

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