
Imagine… Kazuo Ishiguro: Remembering and Forgetting(2021)


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《Imagine… Kazuo Ishiguro: Remembering and Forgetting》剧情简介

电影《Imagine… Kazuo Ishiguro: Remembering and Forgetting》 (英文片名:imaginekazuoishigurorememberingandforgetting)这部剧是由导演,艾伦·延托布,石黑一雄,等众明星主演,2021-10-04英国上映的纪录片。 Alan Yentob invites us into the intriguing world of award-winning novelist Kazuo Ishiguro. The only living British author to hold the Nobel Prize in Literature, Ishiguro's novels and short stories have been translated into more than fifty languages. Two of his most popular novels, The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go, have also enjoyed success as star-studded film adaptations.   In this revealing profile, Ishiguro explores the significance of his early life in Nagasaki and the experience of growing up in the aftermath of the atomic bomb. He shares memories of feeling like the only Japanese boy in the home counties of England in the early 1960s, and how this helped to shape his viewpoint as a writer. As a young man, he harboured ambitions to be a singer-songwriter, and he shares his lifelong emotional connection to music and lyrics, and the impact that particular songs have had on his writing.   Alongside contributions from writers Hanya Yanagihara and Bernardine Evaristo, as well as Ai-Da, an AI robot artist, Ishiguro charts the development of his work across the four decades of his writing career. He discusses the recurring themes of memory, history and the redemptive power of love, and reveals how he has turned his gaze to the future for his much-anticipated new book, Klara and the Sun.

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