
Hendrix: Band of Gypsys(1999)

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《Hendrix: Band of Gypsys》剧情简介

电影《Hendrix: Band of Gypsys》 (英文片名:hendrixbandofgypsys)这部剧是由BobSmeaton,导演,等众明星主演,1999-07-06美国上映的音乐纪录片。 Band of Gypsys was the only live recording authorized by Jimi Hendrix before his death. It was recorded and released in order to get Hendrix out from under a contractual obligation that had been hanging over his head for a couple years. Helping him out were longtime friends Billy Cox on bass and Buddy Miles on the drums because the Experience had broken up in June of 1969, following a show in Denver. This rhythm section was vastly different from the Experience. Buddy Miles was an earthy, funky drummer in direct contrast to the busy, jazzy leanings of Mitch Mitchell. Noel Redding was not really a bass player at all but a converted guitar player who was hired in large part because Hendrix liked his hair! These new surroundings pushed Hendrix to new creative heights. Along with this new rhythm section, Hendrix took these shows as an opportunity to showcase much of the new material he had been working on. The music was a seamless melding of rock, funk, and R&B, and tunes like "Message to Love" and "Power to Love" showed a new lyrical direction as well. Although he could be an erratic live performer, for these shows, Hendrix was on ? perhaps his finest performances. His playing was focused and precise. In fact, for most of the set, Hendrix stood motionless, a far cry from the stage antics that helped establish his reputation as a performer.   Track listing   1. Who Knows   2. Machine Gun   3. Changes   4. Power Of Soul   5. Message To Love   6. We Gotta Live Together   7. Hear My Train A Comin   8. Foxy Lady   9. Stop

阳光电影网提供纪录片Hendrix: Band of Gypsys在线观看完整版视频,在线播放地址:https://www.92dy8.com/jilupian/hendrixbandofgypsys/,全集高清无删减版手机免费观看,本站收集框架引用等最新播放资源供广大影视爱好者分享及点播,请大家支持正版。

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