
Dead to the World(1996)

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《Dead to the World》剧情简介

电影《Dead to the World》 (英文片名:deadtotheworld)这部剧是由JosephF.Cultice,导演,MarilynManson,TwiggyRamirez,GingerFish,MadonnaWayneGacy,ZimZum,等众明星主演,1998-02-10美国上映的音乐纪录片。 Dead to the World is the first video album by Marilyn Manson, released on February 10, 1998 by Interscope Records. It primarily contains a live performance from the Dead to the World tour, but also delves into backstage and archival footage of the band. Dead to the World has since gone out of print, but a possible reissue has been alluded to in recent years.   Notable features are extensive protests by right-wing Christian groups, spoken relations of meaning and intent by Manson himself and the brutal, immense theatrics presented by the band in the live setting. Based from Antichrist Superstar, this video features six songs from the album as well as hits from earlier releases Portrait of an American Family and Smells Like Children. Naturally this tour reflected the album it was built upon - Manson's criticisms of organized religion in this video and otherwise are ironically proven in the very actions of the people featured protesting his credibility.   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-   "Society has traditionally always tried to find a scapegoat for its problems. Well, here I am."——Marilyn Manson, October 1996.   The controversial events from the Antichrist Superstar tour serve as the backdrop for this amazing document, all as seen through the video eye of the band's own cameraman. The picketing zealots, the fulminating moralists, the disingenuous politicians, the tens of thousands who came to see for themselves and, of course, gazing outward from the very heart of the storm, Manson himself. One hour of live concert performances intercut with behind the scene and backstage footage that will help you to understand what it must have been like to be at the center of these extraordinary occurrences.   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-   Manson stated in November 2005 that he was interested in re-releasing Dead to the World and its follow-up God Is in the T.V. on DVD, though this has yet to be followed up on. In March of 2008 a petition was started for this re-release.

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