
Corporate Ghost(2004)

状态:Corporate Ghost

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《Corporate Ghost》剧情简介

电影《Corporate Ghost》 (英文片名:corporateghost)这部剧是由LanceBangs,TamraDavis,SpikeJonze,RichardKern,ToddHaynes,DavidMarkey,HarmonyKorine,PhilMorrison,MarkRomanek,导演,SonicYouth,等众明星主演,2004-06-08美国上映的音乐纪录片。 Since this is a compilation of songs starting at the Goo album,I won't be too harsh on the fact that Sonic Youth made a lot of great albums before that(EVOL and Daydream Nation rank amongst the greatest albums ever made)which aren't present on this DVD.   This DVD is a great add-on for any fan of the band as I am myself.The videos might be cheezy at times,but it's obviously all about the music which is brilliant.Highlights on this DVD are Mote which has a great video and Hoarfrost.It is a shame that some of the songs are edited like Sugar Kane,Sunday and most of all The Diamond Sea.Sugar Kane and Sunday are slightly shorter than their album originals which is directly noticed by any fan but the short version of the epic song Diamond Sea is a mayor let down.Where the songs clocks at 20 minutes on the album Washing Machine,on the DVD it only clocks at about 5 minutes which means that the entire noise explosion at the end of the song is taken away from us.   Despite that obvious negative point it still is a great disc which can be put on at any party as background or foreground music.And when you reach Diamond Sea just put on Washing Machine and play the original classic.   A definite must have for any SY fan!

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