
Classic Albums: Paul Simon - Graceland(1997)

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《Classic Albums: Paul Simon - Graceland》剧情简介

电影《Classic Albums: Paul Simon - Graceland》 (英文片名:classicalbumspaulsimongraceland)这部剧是由JeremyMarre,导演,琳达·朗斯塔特,菲利普·格拉斯,MorrisGoldberg,PaulSimon,等众明星主演,1997-02-18美国上映的纪录片。 Paul Simon's 1986 album Graceland is a landmark record. Recorded in New York and South Africa, Graceland not only sold 14 million copies and was named Album of the Year at the 1986 Grammy Awards, but it also brought the sound of South African music to audiences around the world. Graceland soared to number three in the US album charts and topped the UK and South African charts for many weeks.   The dramatic story of Graceland is told here in Paul Simon's own words along with electrifying footage of Simon performing songs from the album including the title track Graceland, Under African Skies (with Miriam Makeba), Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes (with Ladysmith Black Mambazo), plus footage from the distinctive videos of You Can Call Me Al and Boy in The Bubble. This acclaimed film shows how a career setback for Paul Simon precipitated the inspiration for Graceland, how he learned so much from the South African musicians he met and ho by collaborating with them a triumphant album was created. In Paul Simon's own words: "That was what Graceland had - an unusual degree of understanding amongst people who had just met."

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