
Audrey Hepburn: In Her Own Words(1993)

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《Audrey Hepburn: In Her Own Words》剧情简介

电影《Audrey Hepburn: In Her Own Words》 (英文片名:audreyhepburninherownwords)这部剧是由BarbaraGullahornHolecek,RobertWolders,导演,AudreyHepburn,GregoryPeck,等众明星主演,1993-02-24美国上映的纪录片。 Introduced by Gregory Peck, the always modest and shy, Audrey Hepburn recounts her love of peace, children and her work with UNICEF as a Goodwill Ambassador.   The program includes her journeys to UNICEF's missions in Bangladesh, Somalia and Viet Nam and it includes interviews with Larry King and her longtime friend, Robert Wolders. With great warmth and kindness, this compassionate woman speaks of her triumphs and disappointments throughout her life. Ms. Hepburn also expresses her deep satisfaction with being able to provide her service as a UNICEF Ambassador.   Included on this DVD is one 26-minute episode of Views on World Poverty.   Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, and less than a third of its population has access to any health care. Malnutrition remains the main cause of maternal and infant mortality and well over half of all pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency anemia. This program follows two traditional birth attendants as they try to persuade women to take iron folate supplements and visit hospitals, which is often prohibitively expensive. The program also visits Tanzania, where it is malaria that is blamed for the increase in anemia which, in some areas, affects 93 per cent of children under five.

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