
Your Mother Wouldn't Like It 第一季(1985)


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《Your Mother Wouldn't Like It 第一季》剧情简介

电视剧《Your Mother Wouldn't Like It 第一季》 (英文片名:yourmotherwouldn39tlikeitdiyiji1)这部剧是由导演,IanKirkby,PaulStark,等众明星主演,1985英国上映的海外剧。 "Your Mother Wouldn't Like It" was a naughty program who's motto went like this: 'Your mother wouldn't like it, your sister wouldn't care, your father would be angry, your brothers unaware, your granny does the knitting while your granddad watches golf, but you know what you're mother would say... she wouldn't like it!'. Adults were not allowed, as this sketch show was performed by teenagers from the Central Junior Television Workshop in Nottingham. Featuring some very memorable (but by now, dated) spoofs on shows from that era, including Tweeman instead of He-Man (By the power of Numskull) and Berky Jones replacing Indiana. "StreetHawk" became "Street Budgie", "The A-Team" turned into "The Z-team", and "No 73" was re-imagined as "No Eleventythree".   All these parodies were supposed to be broadcast by the underage crew of a television station, with the accident prone Loaf (Ian Kirby) always botching things up. Reporter 'The Wimp' (Simon Schatzberger) was replaced in the second season by a serial called "Palace Hill" (three guesses which show this was based on), starring two enormously eared princes called Harry and William. (the real princes were still toddlers at the time). Won a Bafta in the Best Light Entertainment/Drama category and second prize in the Prix Danube international Children's Festival in Czechoslovakia in 1987. After the third and final series Palace Hill got it's own spin off in 1988, at which time even mother started to enjoy it.

阳光电影网提供海外剧Your Mother Wouldn't Like It 第一季在线观看完整版视频,在线播放地址:https://www.92dy8.com/haiwaiju/yourmotherwouldn39tlikeitdiyiji1/,全集高清无删减版手机免费观看,本站收集框架引用等最新播放资源供广大影视爱好者分享及点播,请大家支持正版。

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