
The Mythomaniac of the Bataclan(2024)


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《The Mythomaniac of the Bataclan》剧情简介

电视剧《The Mythomaniac of the Bataclan》 (英文片名:themythomaniacofthebataclan)这部剧是由贾斯特·菲利珀特,导演,劳尔·卡拉米,等众明星主演,2024-09-01法国上映的惊悚海外剧。 The series, loosely based on Kauffman’s non-fiction book “La Mythomane du Bataclan”, is inspired by the true story of a woman who conned her way into a victims’ association and quickly became one of its pillars.
It begins on the night of the terror attack at the Bataclan concert hall on Nov. 13, 2015. Christelle, like the rest of the country, is in a state of shock. The morning... (展开全部) The series, loosely based on Kauffman’s non-fiction book “La Mythomane du Bataclan”, is inspired by the true story of a woman who conned her way into a victims’ association and quickly became one of its pillars.
It begins on the night of the terror attack at the Bataclan concert hall on Nov. 13, 2015. Christelle, like the rest of the country, is in a state of shock. The morning after, she quickly connects with a group of victims and when the idea of creating a support group for survivors is floated, Christelle is instrumental in bringing it to life. However, it becomes clear that her connection with the tragedy is not as it seems, threatening to unravel a deeper web of lies.

阳光电影网提供海外剧The Mythomaniac of the Bataclan在线观看完整版视频,在线播放地址:https://www.92dy8.com/haiwaiju/themythomaniacofthebataclan/,全集高清无删减版手机免费观看,本站收集框架引用等最新播放资源供广大影视爱好者分享及点播,请大家支持正版。

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