
Armchair Thriller:Quiet As A Nun(1978)

类型:剧情 惊悚

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《Armchair Thriller:Quiet As A Nun》剧情简介

电视剧《Armchair Thriller:Quiet As A Nun》 (英文片名:armchairthrillerquietasanun1)这部剧是由莫伊拉·阿姆斯特朗,导演,玛丽亚·艾特肯,大卫·布克,等众明星主演,1978-11-18英国上映的剧情惊悚海外剧。 Quiet as a Nun is a thriller novel, written by Antonia Fraser and first published in 1977. A six part television dramatisation of the book (written by Julia Jones) was featured as part of ITV's anthology series Armchair Thriller in 1978.   The novel begins with the death of a nun, Sister Miriam, who apparently starved herself to death in a ruined tower, known as the 'Tower of Ivory', which adjoins the grounds of the Convent of the Blessed Eleanor, a nunnery and an all-girls school.   The tower has specific significance to the order, as it was the original convent building. The tower and the ancient history of the order are recorded in the Treasury of the Blessed Eleanor, a manuscript which is referenced throughout the story. Though it is never stated explicitly, Blessed Eleanor is presumed to be Eleanor of Aquitaine, the once Queen of England.   Television reporter Jemima Shore is an old school friend of Sister Miriam, who was also known as Rosabelle Powerstock and was heiress to "the Powers fortune", one of the largest fortunes in Britain. Jemima is invited back to the convent by Reverend Mother Ancilla, where she uncovers a number of mysteries.

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