
Yin Yang Yo!(2006)

状态:Yin Yang Yo! / 共65集
类型:动画 家庭

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《Yin Yang Yo!》剧情简介

Yin Yang Yo!》 (英文片名:yinyangyo)这部剧是由BobBoyle,SteveMarmel,JohnFountain,导演,ScottMcCord,StephanieMorgenstern,MartinRoach,等众明星主演,2006-10-03美国 , 加拿大上映的动画家庭动漫。 Yin Yang Yo! is an animated television series created by Bob Boyle (also the creator of Nick Jr. series Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!). It is produced in Burbank, California and Toronto, Ontario. It is the third Jetix-original show.   This show is about two anthropomorphic rabbit twins named Yin and Yang that train under Master Yo, a grumpy old panda who ends up being their father. They learn the sacred art of Woo Foo, a special type of martial arts that involves might and magic. They must work together to save the world from evil villains and forces that want to destroy, corrupt, or take it over. But through all these adventures, Yin and Yang still portray typical siblings; sometimes disagreeing with each other, but still care about each other and working together needed.   The setting is in an Asian part in Chicago. The town's buildings have an Asian style. The residents are monsters, humanoids, robots and animals with human-like qualities and behaviors. The residents keep unusual pets like puppygriffs, creatures that are half puppy and half griffin, as well as real animals like dogs, cats, opossums or armadillos. Magic and martial arts still exist since ancient times when the Night Masters were around.

阳光电影网提供动漫Yin Yang Yo!在线观看完整版视频,在线播放地址:https://www.92dy8.com/dongman/yinyangyo/,全集高清无删减版手机免费观看,本站收集框架引用等最新播放资源供广大影视爱好者分享及点播,请大家支持正版。

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