
声怒 第一季(2020)

状态:史德吉尔·辛普森鉅献:声音与愤怒(台),Sturgill Simpson: Sound & Fury / 共1集
类型:动画 音乐

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《声怒 第一季》剧情简介

声怒 第一季》 (英文片名:shengnudiyiji)这部剧是由水崎淳平,森本晃司,迈克尔·艾里亚斯,松本松子,HenryThurlow,冈崎能士,导演,TakashiOkazaki,等众明星主演,2019-09-27美国 , 日本上映的动画音乐动漫。 The sublime combination of music and animation strikes a fresh cord in Sound & Fury, a new anime feature from Grammy Award-winning recording artist Sturgill Simpson and writer-director Jumpei Mizusaki (Batman Ninja; founder, Kamikaze Douga). Set to stream globally on Netflix this fall, the film is set entirely to American rock music off Simpson’s forthcoming album of the same name, to be released simultaneously by Elektra Records, and will feature a different anime segment for each song.   The project was announced by Simpson at a panel at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend.   Sound & Fury is produced and based on a story by Simpson. In addition to the considerable talents of Mizusaki, the project’s key creatives include Afro Samurai manga creator Takashi Okazaki, handling character designs; directors Masaru Matsumoto of Grayscale Arts (Starship Troopers: Traitors of Mars), Michael Arias (The Animatrix), Henry Thurlow and Arthell Isom of D’Arth Shtajio, and Koji Morimoto (Akira animator). Shunsuke Ochiai is co-executive producer.   The album Sound & Fury is produced by Simpson and marks his first full-length release since 2016’s A Sailor’s Guide to Earth, which won Best Country Album and was nominated for Album of the Year at the 59th Grammy Awards.

阳光电影网提供动漫声怒 第一季在线观看完整版视频,在线播放地址:https://www.92dy8.com/dongman/shengnudiyiji/,全集高清无删减版手机免费观看,本站收集框架引用等最新播放资源供广大影视爱好者分享及点播,请大家支持正版。

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