
Saturday Night Live Eric Idle Joe Cocker(1976)

类型:喜剧 音乐

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《Saturday Night Live Eric Idle Joe Cocker》剧情简介

电视剧《Saturday Night Live Eric Idle Joe Cocker》 (英文片名:saturdaynightliveericidlejoecocker1)这部剧是由DaveWilson,EricIdle,导演,EricIdle,JoeCocker,等众明星主演,1976-11-18美国上映的喜剧音乐欧美剧。 The host for the episode is Eric Idle, and the musical guests are Joe Cocker and Stuff. The skits for this episode are as follows: A Chevy Chase impersonator attempts to do the opening fall. Eric Idle starts to perform a song, but is convinced by Jane Curtain to put it off until the end of the show. A young couple discusses assembling their new child with the help of a geneticist who presents them with bizarre options. A DJ attempts to work two stations simultaneously, maintaining opposite personas for each one. Baba Wawa talks to America about why she's leaving NBC. During the Weekend Update, Jane discusses the Norton-Ali fight, while Garrett Morris reports on the circumcision of Michelangelo's David. The Rutles trick Lorne Michaels into giving them the money for the Beatles reunion. Dan Aykroyd and Eric Idle dress up in drag, only to be told by John Belushi that American audiences don't find it funny. Dan and Eric begin drag racing, running around the studio in women's clothing. Jacques Cousteau talks about the care and feeding of fish, pouring all sorts of items into his fish tank. Ken Norton insists that he's a better boxer than Ali, despite losing the close-fought match. Erica Viedonagen ponders whether comedians from outer space visited Earth in the past. Two college guys talk about their math test while playing Pong. Joe Cocker performs "You Are So Beautiful" and "Feelin' Alright" (with John Belushi). Stuff performs "Foots".

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