
Born to Be Born(2023)

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《Born to Be Born》剧情简介

电影《Born to Be Born》 (英文片名:borntobeborn)这部剧是由PabloGarcíaPérezdeLara,导演,等众明星主演,2023-10-05西班牙上映的纪录片。 The end of a year spent together with the first graduating class of the Congrés Indians school: a newly created public school that celebrates its first 9 years of existence and whose pedagogical essence is based, on one hand, on the trust in the child, a being with an infinite desire to learn, and, on the other, on the individual care of each student, thinking that each one has... (展开全部) The end of a year spent together with the first graduating class of the Congrés Indians school: a newly created public school that celebrates its first 9 years of existence and whose pedagogical essence is based, on one hand, on the trust in the child, a being with an infinite desire to learn, and, on the other, on the individual care of each student, thinking that each one has its own needs and its own learning rhythms. In a world in which the instinct to overcome leads us to conflict, there is at least one public school in which children are accompanied so that they are capable of facing their own ghosts and also so that they can confront, through dialogue and understanding, the conflicts that arise.

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